Salon 2023
San Francisco, USA
April 17-20, 2023
Hosted by Lynne Rutter

“Nature and Culture of San Francisco”
The 27th gathering of the Salon was held in San Francisco, California, at the Fort Mason Center for Arts & Culture, with a wide view of the iconic Golden Gate Bridge through its large windows. Seven new participants joined 54 Salon artisans in an exceptional exhibit, with many large panels of imitation finishes, ornament, murals, and work that included various forms of gilding, around the theme: the “Nature and Culture of San Francisco.”
The arts center offered us two large walls in the lobby of their offices for our common murals, giving us the unique chance to paint something site-specific. Pascal Amblard guided a well-researched native San Francisco landscape mural, and Friederike Schulz led a group gilding and stenciling Victorian ornament of the 1850s. At least two dozen painters contributed to these murals, which will remain visible to the public for some time to come.
A pre-Salon sunset cruise around San Francisco Bay began our week. Post-Salon included a tour of art and architecture in the city (including some hills and many stairs!) Salon dinner was held in an historic Beaux Arts ballroom adjoining the City Hall. There we presented a Lifetime Achievement Award to our dear Jennifer Carrasco, muralist, artist, citizen of the world, and all-around bad-ass woman.
We closed the Salon with the singing of Auld Lang Syne inside the empty venue after the show was cleared away.
Salon 2023 welcomed over 1250 visitors including local designers and builders; students and other members of the interested public; and dozens of visiting decorative painters, many of whom traveled from across the country to see the Salon.
My thanks to the many who helped make this Salon possible: our longtime supporters, Golden Acrylics, and especially Mark Golden, who stepped in early to offer support; and Lori Wilson, who organized a large group of appreciative volunteers. Many businesses and other non profit groups, especially my local guild Artistic License rallied with donations and practical resources to help me create a memorable Salon in the beautiful and inspiring city of San Francisco.
Lynne Rutter, host of Salon 2023
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